By Bryant H. MILLS

      HURRAH! HURRAH! For the days when we played sports for fun and viewed athleticism as a means to promote good health. 

‘Back In The Day’ (a term young people is fond of saying), folks actually played sports for fun. In fact neighborhood teams really did laugh at their blunders and believe it or not endured a fair amount of ridicule. The attitude toward sports was one of friendship and fun. It was fun. Certainly everyone wants to see their team win, and I believe there is competitiveness in all of us. Whether we are arm-wrestling (a forgotten sport) doing gymnastics or playing football. But it’s all just – a game – isn’t it?  Regrettably as we take the game out of sports, we take the fun out of it. And in so doing send a dangerous message to our young people.

Also with the promotion of steroids and other performance enhancing drugs on the rise, we could be turning athletics from a healthy endeavor into a very dangerous one.

Why Don’t We Put Some Fun Back In Sports.

It’s worth it.