Will the American Dream End with Hypocrisy?

Will the American Dream end with hypocrisy?  
What ever happened t o the words in The  Preamble of The United States Constitution? for example:” establish justice”, ” insure domestic tranquility”. And again “promote the general welfare”. Or the famous words engraved on the base of the  Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” How eloquent are these words, how beautifully phrased. Subjectively, to describe the character of The United States of America. My question is : What happened to these noble goals, where did we lose it? It seems somewhere along the way we forgot about establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility and promoting the General Welfare for our own; our tired, our bruised,  our homeless, and those struggling daily to survive. Many insecure and uncertain about their future.   This is even more evident when it takes our congress and the executive branch of our government months to assist our citizenry during this pandemic. This I believe shows a lot of insensitivity for elements of our population, especially those living ‘ hand-to-mouth ‘daily. Shamefully, while congress argues and comes to loggerheads over the peoples money. MANY PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING,’ people are wanting, many folks are barely making ends meet. This has been verified by recent polls taken by NPR, The Robert Wood Johnson foundation, and The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Also local and national network news is reporting the same findings. Considering the urgency of these findings, we have to come to the conclusion that our government – and I’ll say it again – is insensitive to peoples needs or is just incapable of doing the work they were sent to do. This piece is written in defense of the people; those waiting patiently, those who believe in Government of , for, and by the people. My question to these elected officials is: What can be more important than the welfare of your constituents? Those you were sent to represent.
           In conclusion let me just say that if this congress and the executive branch of our Government can prioritize and vote to confirm a Justice to the courts ahead of passing legislation to feed hungry people, well that shows a clear disregard for the people who have been hit the hardest by this pandemic. It borders on dereliction of duty. My plea to those in power is ; lets get a bill passed  ‘now ‘ to feed and clothe some hungry, homeless people. God Bless All.

Bryant Mills